Tuesday, January 15

5-Can Casserole

Thanks, Elvice Rosencranz, for submittin this elegant recipe to the Immanuel Lutheran Dorcas Cookbook: Generations of Good Cookin!

1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 small can boned chicken (or other meat or tuna)
1 small can evaporated milk
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can Chow Mein noodles

Oven temp: ??? (This really seems like somethin that should, at the very least, be heated. But the recipe doesn't say a temp or a bake time. Should you really eat cream of chicken soup raw? Oh dear, I just puked and swallowed it.)

Pan size: Casserole, greased

How to:
Mix into greased casserole. Crush potato chips or corn flakes on top. (Oh my god. What? That's it? Stir up some cold soups and crap and toss some potato chips on top and that's food? Sounds like "bomb shelter special" to me. If you have the balls to try this cold, let me know so I can give you props here on the blog.)

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